Stock To Watch : Sonde Resources Corp.

Sonde Resources corporation engages within the discovery, purchase, growth, and production of fossil oil and fossil fuel properties in western North American nation and geographic region. Its principal properties embody assets in Drumheller, Kaybob/Windfall, and Edge Lake/Eagleshamareas set in the Western North American nation,  offshore island and Tobago, Republic of Tunisia and African nation in a geographic region. The corporation was supported on March twenty one, 1983 and is headquartered in the city center, North America.

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Sonde Resources C (AMEX:SOQ) is incredibly active nowadays and listed between $1.28 - 1.79 with total listed volume of 277755 shares. At a current worth of 1.70, SOQ is +0.37 - +27.82% from the previous shut off $1.33. Moreover, At Current value, SOQ is in the distance of +62.27% from its 50-day Moving Average worth of $1.0476 and +47.43% from its 200-day Moving Average worth of $1.1531.

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Sonde Resources have farmed out 66.67% of its interest within the Joint Oil Block to Scandinavian Energy geographic region restricted, a non-public company. Scandinavian can pay Sonde in total a $3M non-refundable signature bonus; Scandinavian can assume responsibility for the 3 well exploration commitment underneath the terms of the EPSA and fund 100% of the Joint Oil Block share of the Unit arrange of Development for the Zarat Field. The primary well, Fisal, is to be trained in 2013 alongside the acquisition of unstable information covering the Hadaf prospect; Sonde can receive 2 hundredth of the price recovery and profit share revenue till Sonde recovers $70M. Once the payout of all Scandinavian expenditures, the revenue is split 33.33% to Sonde and 66.67% to Viking; Sonde retains the choice to fund its thirty three. 33% share of 2 of the exploration wells.